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Sunday 11 July 2010

Day 7 Lake Garda

Breakfast by the lake this morning. Not moving on today so nice and chilled, no need to pack up our homes or rush. Not that we've ever rushed before.

Weather is absolutely gorgeous. Lake is a welcome relief from the heat but it's not cold, just really quite pleasant. Unless you're Sam in which case it's 'bloody freezing' and demands nothing more than a mere paddle up to the knees.

Took a gentle ride around the lake today. This has got to be one of the most dangerous roads in the world. The road itself is full of impatient Italian drivers and daydreaming tourists. Then all along it's edge are stunningly attractive topless Italian women sunbathing by the lake.

As Sam observed, 'there's no ugly birds in Italy are there'. Indeedy! You honestly need blinkers, or very strong will power.

These stunningly attractive Italian women also have another amusing ace up their sleeve. If indeed they had any sleeves. When they want to cross the road they just walk up to a pedestrian crossing. All of Italian life instantly grinds to a halt allowing them to cross. Try the same if you're not a stunningly attractive woman and you'll be stood waiting an awful long time. You probably won't get loads of drivers beeping their horns at you as you do cross either.

We passed Al Graspo restaurant in Garda. Intended to grab lunch there after a sterling recommendation last year but it wasn't open. Sam went to check it out. I think she said opening hours are 12-3 and 6-1. It was half 3 so we moved on.

We eventually grabbed a sandwich and a coffee at a cafe in Sirmione. Nice as it was, it was far too late. I can still feel the wrath of Sam from when she quietly expressed her displeasure, in that special way that only Sam can!

All sorted after food and drink though and we sat back and chilled. Got chatting to an English couple. They were saying how expensive Sirmione is. They'd seen a few restaurant menus with main courses just shy of 90 quid each. They said the town is full of very nice young ladies with very rich old men.

They also said they fancied visiting Verona tomorrow. They had absolutely no idea about the Shakespeare connection so I educated them. And they thought we were just dirty bikers. We're very cultured you know and they were no doubt suitably impressed!

There is a castle in Sirmione but the town lost my vote when we got to the main parking area and realised bikes are banned from entering. Looked like it's to keep the noise down so the locals don't got upset.
Picked up the pace again after Sirmione and carried on with our scenic ride around the lake. Just before getting back to the campsite we passed a gelateria in Riva del Garda. Actually, it might of been in Torbole. Spun around, dumped the bike on pavement outside and grabbed a seat. Very nice indeed and thoroughly recommended. Proper good Italian ice cream. We also got offered a complimentary taster of champagne by a promo lady at a little champagne bar. I declined because I was on the bike. Sam also declined but would of snapped her hand off if she'd offered us cold beer instead.

Quick stop at the shops before getting back to campsite to stock up on meat and cold beer for a BBQ. Then back to the lake for a swim. Or paddle.

If you fancy exploring the lake then I reckon stick to the northern section between Salo and Garda. You'll get all the nice towns, restaurants and cafes. There are enough tat shops to keep any tourist happy. You'll see all the nice views, plus take in the James Bond tunnels. There is also a couple of good vinyards that offer wine tasting and sell direct. After Garda the road veers away from the lake and the heat picks up. OK, but definitely not as good.

91 miles

1 comment:

  1. Update - The castle is a huge Roman villa known as Grotte di Catullo. Looks mightily impressive and definitely worth a visit if you're in town.

    Sirmione is also famous for its hot sulphur springs, but that would have been one step too far on the day we visited. I could barely breathe in the shade, never mind in a hot noxious spring.
