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Thursday 20 August 2015

Day 4 - Lake Maggiore

No riding today - we can't take it! But it was never the plan to move on. We're here for two nights and we damn well earned it.

Yoga has never been so well needed or received as this mornings session. I needed some back bends over the panniers to try and unclunk the aches following yesterday's epic ride.

After some excellent showers we walked into town. Cannobio is a truly stunning place. Beautifully proportioned and maintained. Lots of cobbled little streets and pokey alleys. Every house is a gem. It was definitely the right choice to come back here after nothing more than a flying visit last year.

We explored for a while and then stopped for food. There's plenty of choice, although the menus are fairly similar. Italian, funnily enough. It's very reasonable too, given the prime location overlooking the lake. We split a salad and then had some delicious pasta. All washed down with half a litre of cold rose. And then another half once the first disappeared, which was fairly quickly. I think it came to about 25 quid, all in.

We headed back to the campsite for a well earned nap on the beach, stopping on the way for ice cream. One black cherry and one raspberry cheesecake. The black cherry definitely nailed it.

Our campsite shares a breach front with the nicer looking campsite and villa next door. The beach is pebbles rather than sand. I really need to pick up some flip flops. I never replaced the well worn pair that Louby made me bin after they contaminated the luggage for the entire two weeks of our last tour.

We walked back into town for an evening meal. We wanted to find somewhere different to eat but the place we chose earlier was by far the busiest and the food was faultless. So we returned, choosing a different table to fool the waiters so they wouldn't recognise us.

I had a simple gnocchi with pesto and it was delicious. Louby had half a salad - the other half she threw down her frock when she caught the spoon with her arm. Her clumsy mumsy frock is living up to it's name but unfortunately it may be ruined, which would be a black armband day. It's a favourite but chilli oil makes a serious stain.

The rain came while we were eating. A biblical storm. The kind of rain that makes the waiters stop waiting so they can stand and watch it. The kind of rain that people get their phone out to film. It was spectacular, but we also knew we had to walk back through it to the campsite and sleep in a tent tonight.

We waited for a break and then moved. Unsurprisingly, the basha was down. We started to assess the damage but had to retreat inside the tent when the storm returned. Despite having some tree cover, it was relentless. They're was a stream of water under the tent. Everything was wet. We tried to save what we could but the porch wasn't offering any real shelter. The rain was hammering down, bouncing up under the tent and gushing beneath it. We retreated inside, zipped up the tent and we'll assess the damage in the morning.

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