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Thursday, 11 August 2011

Goodbye or good buy?

After some negotiation, my insurance company finally gave an acceptable valuation for the bike yesterday. I then had a call this morning to discuss various things, one of which was the option to buyback.

Their salvage rate was 17%. I gave it serious consideration for a track bike but decided not to buy it back. It's just too much for a bike that might prove an expensive repair or potentially dangerous. It could of been split for parts if closer examination showed problems but I decided to let go.

I've never felt sentimental about a bike or car before so it's a bit of a shock to feel genuinely upset that we're parting company :-(

Thursday, 4 August 2011

RIP Trumpet

Just had a call from my insurance company. It's no great surprise but my dear ol' bike is 'beyond economical repair'.

We spend many, many happy miles together. I went round Europe twice on it and had a complete blast. Overloaded with Ventura luggage it was awesome for one-up touring.

Nothing else out there really tickles my fancy. I've got the tractor for proper tours but the Trumpet really was the perfect road bike. The 675R looks tasty, but I'd like something else to compete and offer me a suitable change.

It's a black armband kinda day. If anyone wants me, I'll be in the garage staring at an empty space with a tear in my eyes...